This is a mod of NitePR, called coderPR. While there is not a huge new feature added to it yet, certain things have been added to make nitePR much better. As time goes, more features will be added, this project is still in it's beta stages. All modifications to this were done by me(Murderface) Please do not post on other sites, if it is posted without permission, official support and updates will not be posted. This is currently an OHG and HaxCommunity-only release. ----------------------------------------- What's Different? ---------------------------- Much More Organized Layout On Memory Stick Now supports setting a range of addresses to search CheatHZ setting is set to 15/1000 by default Real Addressing is enabled for Browser and Decoder by default New cheats, instead of being labeled 'CHEAT 0' are now named "Cheat In Progress - 0" Some Text changes Menu's Rearranged Minor Color changes Browser and Decoder now can see addresses under 0x08804000, which is useful for when writing subs in low addressing. Logger has been removed, will be replaced with new options in newer versions Speed Scroller for cheats. (Much faster than the one in REV.K) Option to change the menu key to a different combo. Screenshots are disabled by default, can be re-enabled in options menu Screenshot key can be re-assigned to 8 different keys. Option added to "Kill coderPR", awesome for those times you just don't feel like cheating. Sponsored by HaxCommunity ------------------------------ Possible future features: ------------------------------ Easy Hook Searcher Double Browser/Decoders Cheat Renaming -in menu USB toggle NitePR cheat Import Who Knows?