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Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65

Title: Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65
Language: English, French
Cfw Required: 5.50 GEN

Added: 11 Apr 2010, 15:14

Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65 a PSP Homebrew Application has just been release to the homebrew community . Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65 was develop and release by PSP homebrew Developer max840 on April 10th of 2010 . This Cool PSP Homebrew Application known as Ultimate Plugins Manager is just that , A PSP Homebrew application that can help manage your PSP Plugin . This Cool PSP homebrew application will help with activating multiple plugin during restoration when you create a backup of your activated Plug in . Remember that this PSP Homebrew application Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65 is to be used with a PSP Custom Firmware or a Homebrew Enable PSP .

This is what the developer had to say about Ultimate Plugins Manager v1.65

What are its functions?
Ultimate Plugins Manager can do several things:
-Edit files vsh.txt / game.txt / pops.txt
-Activer/Désactiver Plugins
Open-zip files
-Déplacer/copier Files
-Delete the folder / file
-Make backups of configuration plugins (See below.)
-Play mp3 files (I do not like HB without music )
Simplification of the method-activation plug-ins (See below.)
-Activer/Désactiver Usb
-Detects if the plugins in the files marked vsh.txt / game.txt / pops.txt exist

Make backups of configuration plugins: This feature is especially for those toggles often the same plugins. I’ll explain this function by an example. Imagine that you still have the same plugins enabled in your PSP, but one day, for a short time, you have activated other plugins to do a certain thing. You make a backup of plugins currently enabled in the menu backup and you begin to modify your files vsh.txt / game.txt / pops.txt. Once you’ve finished using the plugins you have enabled occasionally, you want to reactivate the same plugins before. Instead of full reactivate one by one, go to the menu backups and install the backup you made earlier. Thus, all the plugins activated when the backup are restored and those who were not are not enabled. (Limit of three backups)

Note: For optimum performance, it is advisable to call the default settings UPM before passing HB. For example, if you UPM in your PSP, and want to pass it to someone transferring it from MS in MS by the computer, make sure you have given the default settings.

Warning: Please do not modify the files of the HB, or files vsh.txt / game.txt / pops.txt if you enabled the usb from UPM. This could damage your MS.
Despite all the positive tests that I have inflicted on the function to delete files and no bug has yet been identified, it may contain a few bugs still unknown. I could not be held liable for any bug in this feature is still in beta. If you delete a small file and you will see that the operation lasts, leave immediately by the UPM Home button.

Category: PSP HomeBrew | Added by: nunutu29 | Tags: plugins, Manager, PSP HomeBrew, Ultimate
Views: 534 | Downloads: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
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