Siren EmuPack 6 a emulator for PSP has just been release to the homebrew community not too long ago . Siren EmuPack 6 is a emulator pack that was release by PSP Homebrew Developer 04CLOVERS who is known for releasing some pretty good emulator for the PSP . This latest release of homebrew emulator pack known as Siren EmuPack 6 will let you load the following roms into your PSP to play via Siren EmuPack 6 Gameboy , Nintendo 64 , Super Nintendo roms . This is the latest release according to the developer . So go ahead and feel free to download Siren EmuPack6 for your PSP and enjoy your favorite old school roms . This is what the developer had to say about Siren EmuPack 6 The manager arranged, Siren EmuPack & DaedalusX64Rev481 + icon & at3 & Siren64 (Rev481) is updated. * (Which in principle also, please only use the 吸出Shi use only. 兼Nemasu any problems and answer questions.)