Savegame Reminder a PSP Homebrew Application has just been release a day ago tot he homebrew community . This PSP Homebrew Savegame Reminder was develop and release by PSP Homebrew Developer MixeryM @ xe who decided to release it . Savegame Reminder is a PSP homebrew application which will help patching savegame data for PSP CFW 5.00 m33 upto PSP CFW 5.50 Gen-d3 according to the developer. This is what the developer had to say about this PSP Homebrew Application Savegame Reminder The SavegameReminder There is something so änhliches how this “fix”. Only when the 1st SavegameReminder first start a backup of the original file from the Flash port and gives you options then 3. -The PSP for the “Savegame M33″ patch -The PSP for the “Savegame GEN-D3″ patch Or flash the backup back.