PSP Homebrew Game Red v2 has just been updated and release to the PSP homebrew community for PSP . Red v2 is a PSP homebrew game that has some pretty good game play for a PSP Homebrew Game . This Homebrew game known as Red v2 was develop and release by PSP homebrew Developer supermagicien . The object of the game is pretty easy , in this game you have to carry a ball through some narrow tunnel without touching the walls, IF you do you loose. This games has 4 levels, Might not look like much game play, But should not be that easy though trying to get a call through a tunnel without touching the wall. So go ahead and give Red v2 a try , Remember that in order for you to play this PSP homebrew game Red v2 you will need a PSP Custom Firmware or a Homebrew Enable PSP . This is what the developer had to say about this PSP Homebrew Red v2 TITLE = Red v2 TYPE = Labyrinth 2D LIFETIME = 30-40 minutes for “tremblators” and those wanting to go too fast LEVEL = 8 I am left on the same basis, so there are levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. For those who have not seen the 1, I summarize: You must carry the ball to the green square, without touching the walls.