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Home Page » DownLoad SeCtioN » PSP HomeBrew


Title: PSXpopper
Language: English
Cfw Required: 5.03 GEN, 5.50 GEN, 5.00 m33

Added: 15 May 2010, 19:59

PSXpopper a new PSP Homebrew application has just been release to the homebrew community . PSXpopper is a PSX ripper for the PSP , If you are looking for a good PSX ripper, Then PSXpopper is the perfect homebrew utility to accomplish that . PSXpopper was develop and release by PSP Homebrew Developer CODE_R3D who decided to release it just a few days ago . SO for ya users looking for a way to burn your PSX games, go ahead and download PSXpopper and start ripping your PSX games . This PSX Game ripper should be pretty to used as the developer said that only PSXPopper.bat has to be run in order for the PSX game to be ripped .

This is what the developer had to say about PSXpopper

I’m releasing PSXPopper its a PSX game ripper and converter
i’ve been working on , just run PSXPopper.bat….

it’s kinda like Autopopstation or popstaionGUI.

Category: PSP HomeBrew | Added by: nunutu29 | Tags: PSP HomeBrew, PSXpopper
Views: 863 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 5.0/1
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