PSPWeather a new weather psp homebrew application has just been release . PSPWeather is a pretty neat well done PSP homebrew application that will connect to yahoo weather service to bring you the current weather in your location . PSP Weather was develop and release by PSP homebrew developer wassgha who decided to release PSPWeather to the PSP Homebrew Community . Remember just like any other PSP homebrew application in order for you to run PSP Homebrew Application PSPWeather you will need a PSP Custom Firmware or a homebrew enable PSP to run this psp homebrew application called PSP Weather . This is what the developer had to say about this PSP Homebrew application PSPWeather What’s that? Basically, this is a homebrew that lets you know the weather! Which countries are supported? * La France (Paris) * Tunisia (Tunis) * The United States (New York) * Algeria (Algiers) * The Morrocco (Marrakech) * Italy (Rome)