-You can play games such as Sonic, Pong, Snake, Minesweeper, etc. PSPTunnel -You can install plugins such as Ultimate VSH Menu, Hold, etc. dayview -You can use many more tools such as calculator, notepad, Ad Hoc Messenger OnScreen Messure, Ad Hoc Messenger -You get all the info displayed on his system: Firmware, Mac address, free disk space, battery status, etc.
PSP Homebrew Release , PSPMulti v0.26 a PSP Multi Homebrew application has just been updated. PSPMulti v0.26 PSP Multi is the latest version according to the Developer who release it . PSPMulti v0.26 is a PSP Homebrew application created by PSP Homebrew Developer DSPSP who decided to release PSPMulti v0.26 to the homebrew community.