PSP Explorer v0.1 has just been release to the homebrew community for download . PSP Explorer v0.1 is a PSP homebrew that was develop by PSP Homebrew Developer redoine who decided to release it on April 22 of 2010 . This cool PSP Homebrew application known as PSP Explorer v0.1 will help you accomplish certain things on your PSP , Such as Launch ISO and CSO games, Has a UMD Dumper , Lets you launch PSP Web Browser even has a small Paint program as well , The PSP Homebrew Developer Promise to release a new update soon which will included tons of more features as well advance features in the next version of PSP Explorer v2.0 . This is what the developer had to say about PSP Explorer v0.1 PSP Explorer v0.1 is primarily a Shell Who gives you access to certain features of the PSP is more of a PC When I say PC I mean obviously the Paint! The rest describe the psp. In this shell we have the opportunities -> -View her news, “profile” Make-Update 5.50GEN-D3 or 5.50 OFW, FC required! Run-its iso / cso, its UMD Dumper, and launch its UMD ^ ^, FC Requirements Configuration UMD MODE: OE ISoft. -Doing the little drawings with paint, rather limited [which will soon have many features for version 2] -Launch WebBrowser (Internet) Weather Watch [Thanks to Web Browser.pbp] Read his MP3-located at ms0: / MUSIC thanks to a very detailed list. [Exp PSP] has several functions, sub menu on your right you will see the screen as lua script: Logically if I read the script: I touche.lua or all keys detailed in the sub-menu I do not have a link to touche.lua / / similar to other pages / special functions! On the menu: A Return to the XMB A link to the script: Touches.lua A link to the script: Credits.lua – spelling may be different In credits.lua: A return to menu A link to the script: Touches.lua A return to the XMB In touches.lua: A return to menu A return to the XMB A link to the script: Credits.lua