NIMS PSP Ebook Reader v1.5 a ebook reader for the PSP has just been updated and release to the homebrew community . NIMS PSP Ebook Reader v1.5 this PSP Homebrew was develop by PSP Homebrew Developer nims13 who decided to release it today May 21st of 2010 according to the developer himself . IF you are running official PSP Firmware or Custom Firmware and are looking for a PSP Homebrew that will let you read ebook on your PSP , Then NIMS PSP Ebook Reader v1.5 is the perfect tool for the job . If you have any question or issue with this homebrew, Then feel free to visit the Developer site for support which is usually the second download link. Remember that this PSP Homebrew NIMS PSP Ebook Reader v1.5 will run on Official and Custom Firmware for the PSP . This is what the developer had to say about this release of NIMS PSP Ebook Reader v1.5 I have simplified the “nims psp ebook reader v1.0″. it is an app that allows users to sync and read pdf ebooks in their unmodded psp. the v1.0 had complex mechanisms of adding books which i have simplified in v1.5. also, there were few problems in windows vista and 7 in v1.0 which has been corrected.