ISO Tool v1.13 a new updated psp homebrew application has just been release to the homebrew community . ISO Tool v1.13 has been updated and release by PSP Homebrew Developer Takka who is known for releasing some pretty cool PSP homebrw application and tools to the homebrew community for PSP . IF you are using the old version of ISO Tool , Then is recommended to go ahead and upgrade to the latest version of ISO Tool which is now in version 1.13 according to the developer who release it . This is what the developer had to say about this release . [UPDATE] included a pspdecrypt.prx 4 / 29 replacement ones [UPDATE] rewrite of the conversion process (UMD → ISO / UMD → CSO only) [UPDATE] EBOOT.BIN can handle up to 20MB size changes [BUG] The XMB avoid corrupted files open from the Memosute [BUG] Fixed another location they made the ISO file