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Half-Byte Loader – HBL rev 80

Title: Half-Byte Loader – HBL rev 80
Language: English
Cfw Required: 5.03 GEN, 5.50 GEN, 5.00 m33

Added: 18 May 2010, 23:01

Half-Byte Loader – HBL rev 80 a PSP Homebrew loader has been updated once again and made available to the homebrew community . Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 80 is a PSP Homebrew loader that is in heavy development by a few PSP Homebrew Developers working together to bring the first PSP Homebrew Loader without the need to use any PSP Custom Firmware to run your favorite your PSP Homebrew Application and PSP Homebrew Games all on your PSP and PSPgo running official PSP Firmware . Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 80 is a step closer to being out of beta with the help of the community . So even though Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 80 curently does not support ISO nor CSO booting, It’s becoming a popular homebrew utility and hopefully a PSP homebrew loader that will hopefully bring PSP Homebrews back to the PSP homebrew scene . Remember that Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 80 is still in beta stages and not all PSP Homebrew will work property , While other will work find .

This is what the developers had to say about this release of Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 80

This version of the Half Byte Loader was compiled from an unmodified source by ultimakillz. All the credit goes to the authors, m0skit0, ab5000, n00b81, and wololo.

Category: PSP HomeBrew | Added by: nunutu29 | Tags: PSP HomeBrew, rev, Half-Byte, 80, HBL, Loader
Views: 542 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 5.0/1
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