Half-Byte Loader – HBL rev 79 a homebrew loader has just been updated and release to the homebrew community . This is great news for users running this PSP Homebrew loader on their official PSP Firmware. This latest version of Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 79 is a bit more stable then previous version and some users have also stated that they have been able to run certain emulator on this version without any issue . Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 79 has been under heavy development since it release and is constantly being updated with new revision . If you are using the old version of Half-Byte Loader HBL , then go ahead and update to this latest version now which is Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 79 according to the developer wololo and the rest of the team who decided to release this version . This is what the developer had to say about this release of Half-Byte Loader HBL rev 79 Half-Byte Loader (HBL) is an open source Homebrew Loader for the Sony PSP. It allows to play fan-made games on any PSP up to firmware 6.20. HBL is currently the ONLY way to play homebrew games on any PSP that has a firmware >= 5.50, and especially on the PSP Go.