PSP Homebrew Loader Release , Well guys Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 r29 has just been updated and release to the homebrew community just a few hours ago . Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 r29 is the latest version according to the developer teams who release it . Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 r29 is being work on by volunteers and homebrews developers . Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 r29 is under the development by team members m0skit0 , ab5000 , wololo . IF you are using a older version of Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 then is recommended to go ahead and upgrade to the latest revision which is now on r29 . Remember that this PSP Homebrew loader is in early stages and have a active community behind it trying to make Half Byte Loader as stable as possible on CFW PSP and NON CFW PSP . This Half Byte Loader is meant to be used with the exploit found on Patapon 2 . This is what the developer had to say about this version of Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 r29 Log message - Fixed nidtohuman tool Makefile - Added a very very very simple syscall reestimation function Affected files expand all collapse all Modify /trunk/eLoader/CHANGES diff Modify /trunk/eLoader/eloader.c diff Modify /trunk/eLoader/memory.c diff Modify /trunk/eLoader/syscall.c diff Modify /trunk/eLoader/thread.c diff Modify /trunk/eLoader/tools/nid table dump processor/Makefile diff