Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 has been updated and release to the homebrew community as a Beta version which is now in version 1.1 according to the developer team who release it . Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 should be a bit more stable the past Half Byte Loader version which of course was 1.1 . For those of you who do not know what is Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 , Is a PSP Exploit that was leak a fe days ago by a team member that will help users who own a PSP of any version including the PSPGo version a chance to run certain homebrew that was made for the Half Byte Loader exploit . Half Byte Loader is under development by a team of PSP homebrews developer . More informtion about this could be found here http://code.google.com/p/valentine-hbl/ This is what the developer team had to say about Half Byte Loader Beta 1.1 What is HB Loader? HB Loader is a project to build an easy to port user-mode homebrew loader for game exploits. Why HB Loader? To allow users with yet unhackable PSPs to experience the homebrew scene. Does this load ISO/CSO? No, doubt will ever be. Does this allow me to use emulators? Not yet, but I hope it will soon. Does this allow me to downgrade? Does whis allow full HEN/CFW? Does this allow kernel acces? No, will never be.