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GOTube 1.2

Title: GOTube 1.2
Language: English
Cfw Required: 5.03 GEN, 5.50 GEN

Added: 24 Apr 2010, 20:25

GOTube 1.2 a PSP homebrew application for watching Youtube’s video on your PSP has been updated and release to the homebrew community . GOTube 1.2 was develop and release by PSP homebrew developer sangokudbz79 who decided to release this updated PSP homebrew application known as GOTube to version 1.2 from 1.0 . If you were having a hard time trying to watch youtube videos or wanted a easier way to watch youtube videos on your PSP , Then this is one PSP homebrew application that yo must have . So go ahead and download PSP GOTube 1.2 to your PSP and added to yoru favorite collection replacing the older version of GOTube .

This is what the developer had to say about GOTube 1.2

* Possibility of application updates from the Internet Radio menu
* Ability to upload scripts via the Internet Radio menu, these scripts are coded by Biscottelacrevette, and Zeroine Cloud1250000.
* Presence of MultiView, which is the order in which sites appear, which is at the top of the screen.
* The PSP 2000/3000, in Custom firmware can use the High Memory, which is an option to use the extra memory of the PSP.

What’s new in this version of GOTube 1.2

* You can delete sites that are no longer using the updater
* You can change your preferences without using your PC:
o Folder Favorites
o Default Zoom
o Svideo mode of PSPslim (interlaced or progressive)
o The multiview (possibility to see the next site in the top bar)
* The new script can play Youtube videos protected by WMG and videos whose mode “embeded” has been disabled by the uploader.
* You can enable / disable via the High Memory Mod updater.

How to install GOTube 1.2 into your PSP

# Connect your PSP to the computer via USB
# Place your PSP in “USB mode” with the option “USB Connection”
# Right-click on the file you downloaded,
# Choose “Extract Files …”( WinRAR is advised)
# Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP from your computer.
# Press OK and wait for the complete extraction of files,
# Quit the “USB Mode” on your PSP
# Go to the menu > Memory Stick to start Go! Tube 1.2 HMM

Category: PSP HomeBrew | Added by: nunutu29 | Tags: GOTube, PSP HomeBrew
Views: 2594 | Downloads: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
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