GNU Robbo v0.65.6 has just been ported to the PSP platform by the developer behind the GNU Robbo v0.65.6 which was originally release in 1989 by Janusz Pelc’s Robbo for the Atari XE/XL . If you have love this game from back in the days, then you will for sure love this ported one known as GNU Robbo v0.65.6 which was made available just a few hours ago to the homebrew community . GNU Robbo v0.65.6 is a open source ported game and included the source files as well . So go ahead and try to make the best of this GNU Robbo v0.65.6 on your PSP and leave a comment letting users know how it work out for you . This is what the developer had to say about GNU Robbo v0.65.6 * Graphical skin support: Oily, Original and Tronic * Sound skin support: Default and Oily * Support for user supplied music * 975 levels across 23 packs converted from Robbo and Robbo Konstruktor * A mouse/stylus driven level designer * Support for Robbo Millenium objects * In-game help * Reconfigurable options and controls * Support for the mouse/stylus throughout the game * Support for keyboards, analogue and digital joysticks * Centering of game within any resolution >= 240×240 * Simple build system to maximise porting potential * Support for locales: English, German, Indonesian, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Swedish