This is what the developer had to say about this PSP Homebrew Application G-stion’R V5 beta 4
add-mode USB Flash 2 and Flash 3
Manager-in flashes, adding flashes 2 and 3
-some more readable texts rewritten
psp-in info:
-Added info on your PSN account (password and email)
-Added display of your password (to access the Internet, etc …)
-Added display of ream your total depending on your PSP psp fat = 32 mb, etc. …
in one-run homebrew, adding the launch file. elf
in one-run homebrew / elf, adding to choose a kernel (1.50 + or 3XX)
-the size of the homebrew has been reduced
ENHANCED-credits providing more help and info
msn-by adhoc has been improved. there is no need to keep fupport to send a message
-l ‘option to clean the ram has been improved
-l ‘option to delete G-stion’R “has been improved
of bug-fixes that led to an error code when the ISO files, music and picture were not present
-in calculator, adding “powers”
Detection of hen -
-the CPU is now set at 266 instead of 222 which improves the fluidity
-the display of the battery voltage is more precise, and the ram
Info from lua player
-in info, adding a cleaner more pixel performance than others. (it displays more
images quickly and displays more than others)
-in info, adding a key tester
-in calculator, adding “other” containing geometry (Pythagoras, Thales …)
-in file manager, ability to display the md5 of a file
-in multimedia, adding “other” P containing a mode and a mode plugin
-P: crer allows the file / important files or formatting the memory stick
-plugin: can disable / enable plugins, delete, or activate them
Choose one by one
-in “internet”, it becomes network: it contains:
Info-connection (shows IP address, ssid, key of crypatge, login name)
-in option:
-add a password for this menu
-delete auto-start bug because it too often. you can always activate it manually by going to File “Automatic demarage”
-added: save / load / delete configurations. 4 configurations
Backups max.
-Adding “Wallpaper staff”
-adding “mini games” in the main menu
-Adding “known bug and precautions” in info.
-in “game” in the umd dumper, it is now clearly the size of the umd and place
remaining. He is also writing the name of the file that will copy.
-info in the umd, it is now possible to know if the drive works correctem
-info in the ms, it is now possible to know if the drive works correctem