Custom Downloader Rev1 a PSP Homebrew Application has just been release to the PSP Homebrew Community not too long ago . Custom Downloader Rev1 is a PSP homebrew that was develop and release by PSP Homebrew Developer juju03500 who decided to release it . According to the developer juju03500 Custom Downloader Rev1 is the latest version with is in revision 1.0 . This cool PSP Homebrew application Custom Downloader Rev1 will let you download custom themes for your PSP Firmware official or custom firmware for your PSP , As well as a wallpaper for your psp . This is what the developer had to say about Custom Downloader Rev1 The code is all made Original.Il was created on all sides by our Team. It is what has Custom Downloader . Well it is a download themes official and unofficial and walls. CAUTION the unofficial themes and Walls do its not available in the Rev1 * Get Custom Downloader Rev1 * Connect your PSP to the computer via USB * Take your PSP in “USB mode” with the option “USB Connection” * Click the right mouse button on the file you downloaded, * Choose “Extract Files …”( WinRAR is advised) * Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP from your * computer. * Press OK and wait extraction files, * Leave the “USB mode” on your PSP * Go to the menu > Memory Stick to launch Custom Downloader Rev1