PSP Homebrew Game BreakOut4PSP v0.8 has just been updated and release to the homebrew community for PSP . BreakOut4PSP v0.8 is a pretty awesome PSP homebrew game that has been and currently being work on by PSP homebrew developer Geecko who is known for releasing some pretty popular PSP homebrews . If you ever played breakout back in the days, Then you know this could always be a favorite to everyone who loves to have some challenge in playing games . BreakOut4PSP v0.8 offer everything the original offer but with a bit more style and compatibility for the PSP homebrew community . This PSP Homebrew game has been in development for the past 2 years . So is definably a PSP Homebrew Game that seem to be getting better with every release . For rest knowing BreakOut4PSP will not be going anywhere anytime soon . BreakOut4PSP v0.8 is available for users running a PSP Custom Firmware or a Homebrew Enable PSP . So go ahead and enjoy Breakout 4 PSP . This is what the developer had to say about BreakOut4PSP v0.8 a PSP Homebrew Game Here are its features: - Coded in C, using direct and pspgu IntraFont. - 33 levels. - A full level editor, since the PSP. - Moving bricks, explosive, indestructible … - A system of switch-level innovation. - A system of life. - Graphics by Kavel-Inox - Management of themes and language files (translated into English, German, Turkish). - The source code is available! - To discover the rest of you New in this version: - Translation in German, Turkish - Support of boost (UTF-8) - The levels are edited automatically loaded when played - The tabs of the editor change size to avoid overflow of text - Detection of levels “invalid”, ie where there are no bricks to break to win - Slight code improvement - Joystick to move the paddle - The credits are no longer part of the translated files (always in English) - Some new levels