LinkLib a PSP lib for homebrew coders was release just a few hours ago to the PSP homebrew community . This linklib will help with certain function that was not so easy to understand . After a couple of developers requesting this features , wassgha decided to create a PSP Lib and decided to release it . . LinkLib was created an develop by PSP Homebrew developer wassgha just a few hours ago to the PSP homebrew community . This is what the developer had to say about functions of LinkLib * Create a cursor and move it (DrawCursor ()) * Controlling a cursor clicks (Cursor_Click ()) * Control "over” a cursor (Cursor_MouseOver ()) * Write a typeface (PrintFont ()) / / coded by J3R3MIE * And of course create a link! Link (l_x, L_y, l_text, l_link, l_mode) when l_mode may be "lua” a lua file, "internet” for an internet link and "pbp” for a pbp file. (look at the code in the archive to better understand)