gpSP-HBL MOD a GBA Emulator for eLoader has just been release to the homebrew community not too long ago . gpSP-HBL MOD is a emulator for the PSP that was develop and release by PSP Homebrew Developer CoD3r-D just a few days ago . This GBA emulator gpSP-HBL MOD will help you run your favorite GBA roms on your PSP via the Eloader according to the Developer who release it . This GBA emulator for the PSP has been tested by a few tester with different version of PSP model according to the developer . Remember that gpSP-HBL MOD a GBA Emulator should be use with the homebrew Eloader . This is what the developer had to say about Running version Go PSP: FW 5.70 PSP 3000/2000v3: 5.50,5.51,5.55 Anadizine directly from the menu at the file you downloaded and Patapon 2 Demo game save, say YES to the first question çalıştırın.İlerleyin open the file and scroll to the emulator will be automatically disabled .. Game memory card of your PSP / GAME / gpSP-J / roms folder horse. For games:[Register before you can not see Link. CLICK HERE to Register ...] gpSP-mod by HBL CoD3r-D Eboot file aittir.Orjinal me gpSP emulator kaiBelong to.